Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Assignment 4

Topic 1:First Date
1. I'm going out tonight.

2. I want meet this guy.He is waiting for me.

3. We're going out to eat,and then we're going to catch a movie.

Topic 2:A Fun Day
1. A movie today?! well.....I don't know.Let me look newspaper.
2. We have to wait for mommy,because she is meeting right now.
3. What should we do after we see the movie.

Topic 3:Nice to Meet You
1. What does your father do now? Well......He is a college professor.

2. What does he teach?

comment :
  I think this is a very good website.
  It help not only for my listening but also conversation skills.
  I can also learn how to use grammar.
  you can use many function.
  It is very convenient,but link speed is slow.



1 comment:

  1. Don't forget to add a space after "comman" in English.
